Kachwiri: A Personal Journey Through Heroin Addiction.

10 thoughts on “Kachwiri: A Personal Journey Through Heroin Addiction.”

  1. Proud of u my brother happy u have shared this story people need to know the struggle of these kachwiri addicts ND help them rather than judging them

  2. This is a powerful story and am glad you shared your experience ,strength and hope. This gives other heroin addicts a light in the hell that is addiction. Its important to note that recovery is a combination of so many things . what I like most about the story is the unconditional love of the father and reconciliation with the family.
    Most of families reaction is based on ignorance, this will bring knowledge and hope.

  3. Thanks for sharing. I’m not alone in this struggle. I just made 100days sober as of today and still counting.

    1. Congratulations Conrad, you are about to make 200 days if I am correct. May you stay strong on your journey. You are doing amazing. 🤎💪🏽🌻

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